CCTV Installation – Highrise Unit Car Park in Brisbane City

A new CCTV camera security system in a high-rise apartment complex the extra security for not only the residents, but a deterrent for potential criminals.

What was our CCTV Solution?

Our client came to us for assistance & identified some key problems that had come to light during recent thefts within the complex. We proposed to the client that by covering the two main problem areas with 8-megapixel cameras, the resolution of the cameras would give the best chance to provide detail at a distance while also covering the foreground (difficult in a long, narrow space).

Three x 180-degree cameras were installed in the parking lot, with overviews covering the problem areas. These cameras will provide the maximum overview of the outside areas; that way, the entry and exit points can be covered while at the same time showing the majority of the vehicles on the level with the minimum number of cameras.


Project Cost: Approx $5,500 + GST

Security cameras make a commercial premise safer

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